Activities ONLY

Activities at your Property may include anything you provide by an hourly basis, such as golf cart or kayak rentals, as well as specialized services such as Spa treatments. An activity does NOT have to be associated with a Stay. For example, your Property may have a day-use spa, or a golf course open to the public.

Activities at your Property should be scheduled using the Activities Schedule screen in the Spa and Activities Module. This module makes scheduling guests and attendants for specific activities simple and efficient and provides an integrated scheduling and billing application designed to fully integrate with our online reservation booking engine, with the ability to reserve space, time and dates and process payments.

The Activities Schedule screen both allows you to schedule and show any activities scheduled, in the corresponding location assigned for the activity, with the name of the attendant (employees able to be assigned to perform specific activities) performing the activity as well as the guest name requesting said activity, at the requested (appointment) time. Any scheduled Activities, associated with a Stay or not, will appear on the Activities Schedule. The point of the Activity Schedule is to help you prevent double booking of both your facilities and your available attendants. Any activity on the Activities schedule will have a confirmation number assigned to it, separate to any Stay confirmation. When purchasing the Spa and Activities Module, the ACT Room Type and ACT1 Room Number will be automatically added to your system. These two additions together act as "holding places" for any activities that will NOT be associated with a guest stay (creating a parallel "stay" in a non-bedded room for the activity).

If your Property does not currently have our Spa and Activities Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at


Skyware provides an Outward Facing Activities ONLY Web Reservation site for your use, if desired. This also utilizes the ACT Room Type and ACT1 Room Number. However, to enable your Activities ONLY web reservation system you WILL need to click the “Show on Web” option in the Room Types maintenance screen for the ACT Room Type, and select the web options on the Room Definition screen for the ACT Room Type and ACT1 Room #. Any activities enabled for on-line viewing in the Activity Types section of the Schedule Types screen will then also be available in the Skyware Activity Only Booking engine.

(For further instruction on setting up the SkyWare's Outward Facing Activities ONLY Web Reservation system, please see the Activity ONLY section of our Help Topic External Web Reservations Set Up).

SkyWare's Outward Facing Activities ONLY Web Reservation site may be accessed through Skyware by using the Web Activity Only command found in the Web section of the Other Front Desk Tasks Menu, which provides a view of the Activity Only booking interface seen by the end user when they make a reservation from the web.



Date Updated August 12, 2023